Tuesday, August 20, 2013

10 Facts that You MUST Know about AFGHANISTAN

1. Its national anthem is the only one in the world that mention the word 'Asia'. (Note: Afghanistan is a South or Central Asian country.)

2. Its national anthem mentions all of its ethnic groups: Baluch, Uzbeks, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Turkmen, Tajiks, Arabs, Gojars, Pamiris, Nuristanis, Brahuis, Qizilbash, Aimaqs, and Pashai.

3. There are flags inside the flag of Afghanistan (flagception)

4. Its citizen isn't called 'Afghani'. The citizen of Afghanistan is called 'Afghan', while 'Afghani' is its currency.

5. Taliban, an extremist religious group, has not been the government of Afghanistan anymore since 2001.

6. Afghan women, during Taliban rule, was forced to cover their body, including their face entirely.

7. It's the world largest producer of opium. The opium is used to make both legal drugs and illegal drugs.

8. Its official languages are Dari Persian and Pashto. Both have relation with Persian language.

9. Some Bollywood film stars have roots in Afghanistan. Shahrukh Khan's grandpa is from Afghanistan.

10. Buzkashi is its national sports. It's basically like polo, but the 'ball' is a headless body of a goat.

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